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South African Association of Community Pharmacists

To promote the professional, educational, business and economic interests of the members of the Association, with specific emphasis on pharmacists active in the category community pharmacy as defined in the Pharmacy Act



South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists

SAAHIP is an acronym for the South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists. As a sector of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA), SAAHIP has the following as its objectives:

  • To promote the professional, educational and economic interests of the members of the Association and of the pharmaceutical profession, with specific emphasis on pharmacists active in the practice of hospital and institutional pharmacy;

  • To uphold and improve the professional integrity and standards of professional conduct of the members of the Association;

  • To improve, promote and maintain the image of the profession;

  • To represent generally the views and interests of the members on all pharmaceutical matters, including representing the members in dealings with government and similar agencies;

  • To uphold and assist in the promotion and maintenance of the health of the people of South Africa through the provision of a satisfactory and dependable pharmaceutical service;

  • To provide and promote benefits to its members, such as advancing members’ specific interests; and

  • In recognising the diversity of the population of the Republic of South Africa, to promote the representation of all sectors of the South African community in its membership.



Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The criteria for membership of the Academy are that members shall through active involvement or through an interest in: education; research and development; production; control or marketing of medicines or; community or hospital practice of pharmacy, contribute to the pharmaceutical sciences and technology and the professional practice of pharmacy.



South African Association of Pharmacists in Industry- SAAPI

SAAPI represents pharmacists and allied professionals who practice in the industry, and provides value to PSSA members who practice in the industry.

ting unity in our profession".


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